My Goal

My Goal

My goal is to not hope for another life than the one I have. I’m awake to the fact that one day I won’t be here anymore–that one day I’ll die–become a corpse. And I’m not going to ignore that fact like most people do….

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We are experience chasers — spectators — who believe everything is happening somewhere other than where we are. Porn, television, celebrity, sports — we are watching other people live life while we project our selves on to these people. We live vicariously through them. Because…

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Kayak Trip – Why I’m Doing This

Kayak Trip – Why I’m Doing This

People keep asking me why I’m doing this trip. My usual reaction is, “What else am I going to do?” Truth is I could rationalize a hundred different reasons why I’m going to kayak the Ohio and Mississippi. I have the youth, few responsibilities, financially…

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The Attitude of Existentialism

The Attitude of Existentialism

I’m sure I will bring up some recurring themes on this site. The first and probably most influential idea is existentialism. So, what is existentialism? Depends on who you ask really.  I like how Carlos Castaneda said it in an interview with Psychology Today: Existentialism…

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