After doing enough research I’ve decided my biggest concern will be weather.

I can prepare for many scenarios that may arise, however I cannot control the weather. My original intention was to leave in April/May and take my sweet time cruising before it gets too hot in July/August. But after looking at the tornado activity by month and region I believe an early July launch will be the best time for me to start my trip. It should take me 30-45 days which should put me in New Orleans in early to mid August…near the peak of hurricane season.

Tornado risk by region for April.  Courtesy of The Weather Channel.

Tornado risk by region for April. Courtesy of The Weather Channel.

Aaannnd July.

Aaannnd July.

But I am not really as worried about hurricanes. I will know far ahead of time if one is approaching (I plan on having Internet access and a weather radio) and will be able to get off the river and find some place or person that would let me hunker down until it passed. Tornadoes though are pretty unpredictable and could pop up on some random afternoon without notice.

So the launch date is set for July 6th and hopefully that will keep me in the right place at the right time of year. I’ve already notified my boss (and my boss’s boss) at at&t that I’ll be leaving June 21st to give me enough time to wrap up things here in Bloomington before I take off.