Woke up at 5 before the alarm. Took the extra time to drink a second cup of coffee and look at maps. I figured 18 miles.

Final sunrise with all the equipment out in front.

Final sunrise with all the equipment out in front.

I took the first hour pretty easy, enjoying it, yelling up at people on ships. Here’s a video of the Maersk Matsuyama, obviously a Japanese ship and crew–but it’s port of call was Panama.

Cirrostratus clouds kept it cool, but it looked like it might rain, so I kicked it up and decided I’d sprint in. I’m glad I did. It felt great.


It also began to pour down the last straight about 10 minutes after I reached my final destination…Those wooden steps above. I climbed up and talked to the people around. Pulled out my gear and brought up the kayak onto the levee.


Jeremy was there 20 minutes later and went back to his place so I could shower up. He, his fiance whitney, and I went out and had some DatDog. And we’ve eaten pizza! Chris and Lauren are here, Kyle on the way. Excited to finish! will update more later.
